Speech and language development are crucial aspects of a child’s growth and well-being. However, some children may face difficulties in these areas, which can impact their communication skills and overall development. In such cases, you can consult a speech therapist in Ludhiana. This blog will discuss when parents should consider seeking the assistance of a speech therapist for their child.

 5 Signs Your Child Needs to Seek Help from a Speech Therapist

  • Delayed Speech Development: If your child has a significant speech delay compared to other children of their age in achieving speech development milestones, such as not initiating babbling by six months, failing to say single words by 12 months, or lacking the ability to speak short sentences by the age of two, it might indicate a speech delay.
  • Avoid Engaging in Group Play

If a child likes to play alone or alongside others without really interacting, they could have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Now ASD can be diagnosed early, which helps with getting help sooner. Kids with ASD might struggle with talking or understanding speech and have trouble with socializing. Starting speech therapy in Ludhiana at Bright Horizons can help them learn how to communicate better and make friends at school. Call us today at National Care Number i.e +91-9800990088

  • Inconsistent Voice

Maybe you have noticed that your child’s voice sounds rough or too high. They might also have trouble controlling how loud they talk. Sometimes, kids get a sore throat and their voice gets hoarse. This can happen after cheering at a game or drinking too many icy drinks. But if this lasts for more than a few weeks, it’s a good idea to talk to our speech therapist.

  • Issues with Articulating Certain Sounds: Articulation plays a vital role in your child’s development as well. If you observe unclear speech sounds from your child, it’s important to seek help from a specialist. This concern can be identified by listening to your child’s speech and noting the variety of sounds they use when speaking words. Some children may rely on a restricted set of sounds, omitting several vowels and consonants. Effective articulation is crucial, and our speech therapists can help your child.
  • Stuttering or Disfluency: When speech is disrupted by repetitions, prolongations, or blocks, it may indicate stuttering, which could necessitate intervention if it continues beyond preschool age. Continued difficulties in speech flow that interfere with communication can impact a child’s self-assurance and interactions with others.

Kindly note that roughly your child is expected to speak their first word by age 1 and have about 20 words by 18 months. If they are not there yet, don’t worry. They might just need a little extra help with their language skills, and reaching us could really help.


Observe your child’s behaviour constantly to identify potential speech disorders. However, there is no need to worry if you notice anything concerning. Our speech therapists can provide valuable assistance in this area. If you believe your child could benefit from speech therapy, arrange a consultation with one of our experienced professional today.

You can call us or WhatsApp for More Details @ our Customer Care Number +91-9800-9900-88

Other Useful links:-

Speech Therapy for Children in Ludhiana

Autism Treatment in Ludhiana

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