Special Education Therapy

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What is Special Education Therapy?

Special education refers to the education of children with learning issues or are slow in learning, this domain of academics addresses the individual needs and differences. The Special education is designed to help children with learning difficulties to develop the necessary life skills and knowledge to be successful in school, home and society for accomplishment of daily living tasks.
Special education programs are tailored made to facilitate the unique needs of each child, based on their individual learning difficulties and learning style. Some children may require additional assistance for academic upliftment’s, while others may need specialized instruction and support to develop their communication, social, or behavioural skills. Parents can bring their child with speech disorder to Speech Therpay Centre to improve there communication and social skills.

Process of Special Education @ Bright Horizon

At Bright Horizon we provides tailor made handcrafted multi sensorial stimulation to cater the academic needs of the children through Special education. Bright Horizon offers special education stimulation through our trained, certified, empathetic and creative professionals for creating a learning opportunities for children having learning difficulties.
Professionals at Bright Horizon deals with care and compassion for academic achievements of the children through targeted and need based goals. We work closely with parents, guide them and make them understand about the need of the child to create individualized education plans (IEPs) for each student, which prompt us and help us framing outline baseline goals to accommodate the academic needs.

We provides support to every chid for academic activities through IEPs and IAS to make child succeed academically, socially, emotionally and helps them to restore to their full potential.
Overall, special education plays a crucial role in ensuring that all students have access to a quality education, regardless of their disabilities or special needs. It provides students with the support and resources they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally, and helps them to reach their full potential.


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Significance of Education Therapy

Reading, Writing and understanding of language help anybody to communicate with their environment efficiently through any medium available.
Education therapy help us in developing or Improving skills like :
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Finger Grips

Dexterity Icon


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Eye hand Coordination

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Attention and Concentration

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Sitting Span Icon

Sitting Span

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Reading skills

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Writing Skills

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Calculus Skills

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Education Therapy Procedure @ Bright Horizon

At Bright Horizon the children are evaluated and assessed by our professionals, which brings the underline causes of poor academic skills and slow learning in limelight. As per the report, we formulate the handcrafted individualised Education plan for a child by keeping all the parameter in view point like Child’s age, Child & Parental needs, parental understanding and concerns.

Based on the evaluation and assessments, the team determines if the child is eligible for special education services then the goal based plan shall be reinforced according to the need , age and current baseline reports.
We at Bright Horizon Develop an individualized education plan called (IEP) and IAS: If the child is found eligible for special education services, the expert develops an IEP that frame with an objective to facilitates individual’s goals. The IEP & IAS are tailored to meet the unique needs of the child, which are updated daily (Based on Performance) and are reviewed quarterly.
The child’s progress is monitored regularly and scored daily to ensure that the services and therapeutic inputs provided through the IEP and IAS are meeting the child’s need and helping them to achieve their goals.
Through this process, special education provides understanding, support and resources they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally, and helps them to reach their full potential.


For enrolment in the Special Education Therapy process kindly submit a form for more detail or connect us with our National care Number 9800990088.

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    A: special education refers to the practice of educating children with differences/special needs This includes the individually educational programme, adapted equipment and materials, and accessible settings.
    A: A child who has special needs and/or has difficulty in learning as compared to other children, special education proves to be beneficial for him/her. Children may have problem with school work, communication or behaviour.
    A: Bright Horizon special education program starts with consultation with our consultant, followed by detailed assessment of the child. A history of child’s developmental, academic and functional abilities is also reviewed. After that, goals and intervention program is planned and implemented on the child in one-to-one interaction.
    A: As per the child’s current level, the child is assessed on various standard assessment formats. Child’s progress is monitored and tracked on the standard assessment format to finally evaluate the progress on regular time intervals.
    A: Special education may feel like an overwhelming process. It is a journey. As every individual’s needs and strengths are different, therefore some may need it for short term duration while others may require it for long duration.
    A: As per the needs and condition of the child, the results are visible to parents. The progress of the child is gradual.
    A: Yes! it depends on their type and degree of special needs. Some children can be accommodated within normal schools and might actually benefit while others may not. Some children need less supports than others and can keep up in “normal” schools. Also factors like resources, conducive environment and trained teachers available in the school play an important role.

    Contact Us to Enroll Your Child !