Autism Screening Tool

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Early screen for autism is very important for toddlers, who are not showing the normal developmental milestones. The early screening will guide the parent to understand the early needs of the child, in early age of life. Many children having symptoms with autism are put on waiting lists and miss out on early speech, occupational & behavioural interventions because lack of screening & intervention awareness. The objective of this free screening tool is to screen kids early, so that parent can take necessary action before the time. This screening assessment is based on the M-Chart-R © 2009 Diana Robins, Deborah Fein, & Marianne Barton.
Please answer these questions about your child. Keep in mind how your child usually behaves. If you have seen your child do the behavior a few times, but he or she does not usually do it, then please answer no. Please tick yes or no for every question. Thank you very much.