Locomotor disability means restricted movement of arms or legs. Children with locomotor disability have limited movement due to limited movement of legs. They might have difficult grip. There are large number of causes of locomotor disability. Usually locomotor disability is associated with disease like polio, arthritis etc or some kind of recent injury might have cause it. Bright Horizon is leading clinic in punjab offering Autism Treatment in Ludhiana.

Loco motor disability varies from child to child. Some child might have little movement restriction while other children might have sever loco motor disability. Loco motor disability can get worse with age if not treated earlier. So if you suspect your child have some form of loco motor disability you should consult us for early treatment. Early Treatment increase chances of success in children with loco motor disability. We also have best speech therapist in ludhiana working with us.

While locomotor disability can be treated medically with help of surgery or medicines, it is difficult condition to treat medically with limited benefits. Loco motor Disability is a condition that is unique for every child and medical treatment offer limited benefit and limitied success with chance of side effects. Hence medical option should be carefully examined with multiple physicians before taking any decision.

Psychical Therapy is choice of treatment for most of the kids suffering with loco motor disability. Goal of Physical Therapy is to improve quality of life of child. This therapy improves mobility of child by maximizing his skills. Physical therapy may involve some equipment’s that can help child to improve quality of his/her life. Every child with loco motor disability is difference, some child have mild disability while other may have severe disability. Depending upon condition of child treatment plan should be developed.

Bright Horizon is leading institute in jalandhar offering treatment for various disabilities of children like speech disorders, dyslexia, loco motor disability etc. if you are seeking loco motor disability treatment in Ludhiana for your child, you can visit our clinic. We offer home based treatment plan for child. Our kit include all the material required and necessary training for parents to help child recover as soon as possible. Contact/Call us to enquire Distant/Home Based/Online treatment plan for children with loco motor disability.

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