Dyslexia Treatment in Jalandhar

Dyslexia is learning disorder that makes it difficult for child to read efficiently and relate speech with words.  Dyslexia effects part of brain that identifies language.  Children suffering from Dyslexia have no issues with intelligence or vision and have normal activity like other children. However early treatment of  Dyslexia is very important because early treatment makes chances of success  very high. There is no medical (Medicinal) treatment for Dyslexia, however early intervention makes  best possible outcome. Dyslexia can get unnoticed during childhood for some children.

There are no known causes of dyslexia.  However doctors believe that  it could be genetic  or some kind of infections during pregnancy or  lack of nutrition during pregnancy may play role in development of Dyslexia among children.  Dyslexia is associated with lack of brain development during pregnancy.

Dyslexia can’t  be diagnosed before your child enroll for schooling. Dyslexia have following sympthoms.

  • Late Talking
  • Slowly learning words
  • Difficulty in learning poems etc.
  • Difficulty remembering  spellings of words
  • Difficulty in reading and writing words
  • Difficulty in writing words or spelling mistakes  which child hears
  • Difficulty in spelling words or taking exceptionally long time to read or write words/sounds etc.
  • Slow learning etc
  • Difficulty to memorize essays or poems etc.

If dyslexia treatment gets untreated these reading/writing problems  continue in adult age to.

A child suffering from dyslexia  may not get good  grades during schooling . Sometimes children  have to spend more time in schools or  may take few years to complete schooling. It sometimes effect children self esteem . And its hard for such children to secure a job that require high qualification or responsibility. So dyslexia overall effect children’s social life.

There is no medical (Medicinal) cure for dyslexia however some techniques exist to improve overall ability of child to learn and read.  These techniques should be applied as soon as child is diagnoised with dyslexia to improve overall outcome of treatment.

Individual education plans should be considered for children suffering with dyslexia.  At Bright Horizon Jalandhar we can structure individual child plan that help teachers  to teach children effectively. Teachers can use small sounds to make words . They can read loud to build reading and speech accuracy. Teacher can act patiently and let the child learn slowly. A child should practice reading and put some extra efforts to learn things . However you should not restrict child from playing our outdoor activities . As such activities helps brain development of children. A healthy and nutritious diet is also helpful to improve child. Such child should lower indoor activities like computer/games/mobiles etc  and spend more time or reading and learning as well as out door activies and outdoor games that require physical movement and exercise.

You should never punish your child for failure to learn instead appreciate him/her for efforts child is making to learn things . Parental as well as teacher’s support plays a great role in treatment of child.  You can join various communities and talk to other parents and learn things that are working for other parents and apply same on your child.                            

Children who are treated at bright horizon early, when they were in play school or early age have positive outcome of treatment . These children can complete  schooling with little or no difficulty , Hence early intervention is key of success in treating dyslexia. Bright horizon provide multi sensory inputs which helps the children to read and write independently and efficiently.


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