Treatment for behavioural disorder in children

Young Children can be naughty and sometimes behave badly which is perfectly normal.  However some children have extremely bad behavior which is hard to manage.  The most common behavioural disorders are as follows.  Such children are often restless like constantly running , climbing etc.

  • oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
  • conduct disorder (CD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD)

All above disorders have similar symptoms so it is hard to differentiate between above symptoms.  A child might be suffering from multiple disorders. Children with such disorders have mood swings too.  Usually male child suffer from behavioral disorder more than female child. About 10 percent children suffer from Behavioral disorder.  

ODD Disorder:- Such Children get anger easily. Such Children refuse to obey parents. Such children have tendency to argue with parents.

Conduct Disorder:- Such children have worse behavior  than children suffering from ODD disorder. Besides ODD symptoms  such children have risk of getting involved in criminal activities like stealing , violent behavior etc. Such child might be sadistic in nature. Such child have tendency to run away from home.

ADHD  Disorder:- ADHD is neuro developmental  disorder. Such children have difficulty in paying attention. Such children have highly self focused behavior. Such child might have no control on their emotions. Such children have difficulty in getting tasks finished . Such child have lack of focus

Parental Co-operation is most important in treating behavioral disorder. The success rate of behavioral disorder therapy is about 80 percent. The most common therapies are cognitive therapy as well as behavioral therapy. These therapies make take few weeks to few months depending upon the condition of the child. cognitive therapy help patients to get over his/her negative thoughts , fears and doubts . This therapy find out causes of low self esteem and help to boost self confidence of the child. behavioral therapy includes behavior modification among children. Child are often rewarded for good behavior

Family therapy is important part of child behavior modification. Parents are essential part of children disruptive behavior disorder.  Children suffering from behavioral disorder usually disrupt the environment  at home , school , or  among friends etc. These children are often  gets angry and argue with parents.  At bright horizon we  set up parenting modification strategies for parents . Children with good environment at home usually are less prone to behavioural problems .  So it is very important for you to

how parents behave with each other and how parents behave with children.  However our psycatrist/psychologist at bright horizon teach children social and emotional skills. We offer  psychotherapy for the child and the family. If left untreated these type of disorders effect badly on relationship as well as career in later life.  There can be multiple causes of behavior disorder for example Hereditary factors, separation of parents, poor in education etc. behavior disorder can trigger depression in children

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