Language is very important in life. It helps us convey our feelings. Many children face difficulty in speaking at an early age. This problem can not be neglected, as it results in low confidence, lack of communication, and disturbing social life.
They also face emotional instability due to miscommunication and misunderstanding. These problems can not be ignored at an early age, and professional help is the best option to help your child. Bright Horizon has the best speech therapists in Ludhiana. They help you improve your child’s communication.
Let’s learn about common speech disorders and how you can address them properly.
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What are the common speech disorders in children and how can you address them?
1. Articulation Disorders
In this disorder, children are not able to pronounce words or sounds properly. They often misspell, substitute, or omit these sounds. These misspelled words make it difficult to understand. Bright Horizon has the best speech therapists in Jalandhar who can provide you with innovative techniques to improve this disorder in your children. Articulation disorder can be addressed in:
- Motivate and encourage your children to slow and clear speech.
- Practice tongue and mouth exercises to strengthen muscles.
- Get professional help for your children who can provide specialized services.
2. Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
Fluency disorder is the disturbed flow of speech. Children often repeat the word, prolonging the sentences or struggling with words. This disorder disrupts the flow of speaking. Children facing this problem hesitate to express their emotions and mix up with other children. Fluency disorder can be address in:
- Make an environment where your child feels confident to express himself.
- Do not interrupt or rush your child when they are speaking.
3. Receptive Language Disorders
Receptive Language Disorder is a problem in which children have difficulty understanding what people are saying. They also fail to understand or follow the direction, answer the questions, and convey their emotions. Receptive language disorder can be address in:
- You can use images or gestures while speaking.
- Make the instructions easy to understand and speak slowly
- Interact with them with fun activities like storytelling, and playing their favorite game.
4. Expressive Language Disorders
Expressive Language Disorder is a disorder in which children struggle to form sentences, use correct grammar, or use the right word to express themself. They have limited words and often repeat the same words or lines. You can address expression language disorder by various ways given below:
- Have fun activities such as storytelling and do lively conservation with your child.
- You can add new words to your child’s vocabulary.
5. Apraxia
It is a motor disorder. In this disorder the brain is not able to coordinate with mouth muscles which results in improper speech. This can cause prolonging the words, inconsistent patterns, and difficulty in pronouncing the words. Apraxia can be address in:
- Many experts recommend repetition-based speech therapy for this disorder.
- Make sure you practice oral-motor exercises with your child to strengthen his muscles.
Speech disorders in children are very common. This problem should be solved as soon as possible as these problems affect the studies, social life and confidence of children. Bright Horizon has the best speech therapists in Ludhiana and Jalandhar. We provide personalized speech therapy that can help your child to overcome his speech disorder. Contact us today and overcome speech disorders in your children by developing strong communication skills.
You can call us or WhatsApp for More Details @ our Customer Care Number +91-9800-9900-88