Autism is affecting millions of people worldwide. People struggling from autism often find difficulty in communicating with others. They are socially inactive and find it difficult to make friends and build emotional connections.

It is very important to understand that autism is caused by environmental factors or genetics. If your baby is born underweight or premature, they have greater chances of having autism.

Bright Horizon provides you with the best autism treatment in Ludhiana. We have the best and most recommended autism treatments to your child.

You can call us or WhatsApp for More Details @ our Customer Care Number +91-9800-9900-88

Let us understand what are the causes of autism and its symptoms.

What are the causes of Autism?

The main causes of autism are mainly genetics and some environmental factors. Lets know about in detail:

  1. Genetic Factors

It is one of the prime factors that causes autism. Studies have shown that it is basically found in family history. Genes are connected to brain development. The improper development of the brain leads to autism.

  1. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors also result in autism. Premature delivery and early childhood trauma can result in autism. Some environmental factors are:

  • Exposure: Exposure to pollutants, chemicals, or infections during pregnancy may increase the risk of autism.
  • Complications During Birth: Premature birth, low birth weight, or lack of oxygen during delivery can result in autism.
  • Parental Age: Some studies suggest that advanced parental age at conception may increase the likelihood of autism.
  1. Brain Function

The non-development of the brain can result in autism. Children with autism have a high level of neurotransmitters. Autism is caused by enlarged brain, brain bleeding, and other complications.

What are the symptoms of autism in children?

Autism symptoms are mainly of two types: social interactions and repetitive behavior. These symptoms can be mild to serve.  Bright Horizon helps you overcome these symptoms. We have the best autism treatment in Jalandhar. We provide specialized therapy and consultation to overcome these symptoms.

  • Difficulty in Social Interactions: People with autism are not able to interact socially such as not maintaining eye contact, and engaging in conversations.
  • Delayed Speech Development: Autistic children often struggle with speaking problems. They are not able to talk back-and-forth.
  • Limited Facial Expressions and Gestures: They have problems in expressing their emotions.
  • Difficulty in Forming Relationships: They are not able to express themselves and have difficulty in making friends and building emotional relationships.
  • Repetitive Movements: Hand-flapping, rocking, and spinning are common self-stimulatory behaviors.
  • Intense Focus on Specific Interests: they have deep interests in their favorite topics and show more activeness towards them.


Autism is a very complex problem. This disorder mainly arises from genes, environmental problems, brain development issues. It is very important to recognise these problems at an early stage as these symptoms become worse with age. Right treatment at the right time is very important to give a normal life to your children.

Bright Horizon has experienced staff and professionals who provide best autism treatment in Jalandhar. We provide personalized plans for your children for fast and steady results. Book your appointment with the best experts at Bright Horizon.

You can call us or WhatsApp for More Details @ our Customer Care Number +91-9800-9900-88

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